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Multimedia & other [Hits: 76172]
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Accessories for playback devices (72)
CDs and DVDs (15)
Discs for music boxes (8)
Grandgrandmas of the phonograph records. Cardboard discs for music boxes like "ARISTON" and etc.
Miscellaneous newsreels (14)
Here you can upload videos that are unique, i.e. not taken from YouTube, VK or other sites, but from other sources not related to the Internet. Or there are cases when it is impossible to provide a link to an episode that, for example, lasts only a minute, but it is somewhere in the middle of a two-hour long video.
Newsreel of the production and recording of records (14)
Piano Rolls (10)
Perforated rolls of paper for Pianolas
Radio broadcasting (20)
Stroboscope discs (6)
Test records (18)
Soviet portable phonograph from 1950. (Советский портативный граммофон выпуска 1950г.) (An)
Soviet portable phonograph from ... (An)
Multimedia & other


Улыбка в компании с Утесовым (An)
Улыбка в компании с Утесовым (An)
Multimedia & other


Charmin’ Chatty - Russian ... (bernikov)
Multimedia & other


Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White (Вишневый сад), song (mr233)
Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom ... (mr233)
Multimedia & other


Bursts of laughter (Взрыв смеха) (TheThirdPartyFiles)
Bursts of laughter (Взрыв смеха) (TheThirdPartyFiles)
Multimedia & other


From the history of gramophone (Из истории грамофонной записи) (avg)
From the history of gramophone ... (avg)
Multimedia & other


Disc Music Box "Intona" (Музыкальная шкатулка "Интона") (Nahon)
Disc Music Box ... (Nahon)
Multimedia & other


Music Box - Video Clip (Музыкальная шкатулка - видео клип) (bernikov)
Music Box - Video Clip ... (bernikov)
Multimedia & other


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